Here are 10 pointers to ensure your school is well placed to look after pupils with allergies, as they start the new school year.
- Download the Schools Allergy Code, which is recommended by the Department for Education, and share it with your Senior Leadership Team and governing body. It comes with a checklist so you can ensure that you are following best practice in allergy management.
- If you have a new joiner with allergies, and you haven’t already, arrange a face-to-face meeting with their parents or carers as soon as possible.
- Check in with the parents of existing pupils with allergies to see if anything has changed over the break. Is information and documentation still accurate and is the pupil’s photo still recognisable?
- Have a staff briefing to make sure everyone is aware of pupils’ allergies and needs. Remind them where medication is kept.
- Update photograph sheets of pupils with allergies and put them up in semi-private, staff only areas of the school, for example the staff room and in the kitchen.
- Ensure all prescribed and generic allergy medication is in-date, accessible and that there are no issues with it (eg. double check the window in adrenaline pens to make sure the liquid inside isn’t cloudy or grainy).
- Review your Allergy and Anaphylaxis Policy and make sure it’s up-to-date. Email us if you would like the template policy we have developed with the ISBA. It is easily adapted to suit all school settings and we have recently updated it to take into account the findings from the inquest into Hannah Jacob’s death following an allergic reaction after taking a sip of hot chocolate from Costa.
- Organise allergy training or refresher sessions for all staff. These should include reducing risk as well as recognising and responding to allergic reactions. The Allergy Team has just refreshed its online training programme. Find out more here.
- Write to all parents and carers reminding them of your rules about bringing food into school. These free, downloadable factsheets can help.
Book a free allergy consultation with Sarah or Jen from The Allergy Team as the term gets underway to discuss all aspects of allergy management.
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