Let The Log Carry Commence: Students prepare for 24Hr Endurance Charity Fundraiser

Posted: 2nd March 2023

Students at Edinburgh-based Fettes College are preparing to take part in a 24 hour endurance fundraiser from Saturday 4th – Sunday 5th March. The endurance event, which is being held for a third year running, will see students carry a 100 kg log for 24 hours to raise money and awareness for SuperTroop – a charity which provides holidays for disabled children.

Students and staff will work in groups to continuously carry a large 100 kg log up and down Fettes’ West Drive. Senior students will sleep out and complete slots during the middle of the night with a countdown to the event starting on the 4th of March.

The Log Carry first took place in 2022, following the success of a ’24 Hour Tyre Drag’ in 2021.

Calum J, a current student who will be taking part in this year’s Log Carry, said:

“Last year I was involved in the overnight shift, carrying the log for two and a half hours in total. It was an amazing experience and I look forward to this year’s challenge and hope that the funds we raise will make the SuperTroop holiday this summer as special as ever for the young people.”

Louisa T, a student volunteer who helps on the SuperTroop holiday at Fettes, commented:

“The relationship between SuperTroop and Fettes has not only provided incredible holidays for the kids but also a transformative learning experience for Fettesians. We all hold the charity dear to our hearts and hope that future Fettesians can continue to support this beautiful charity.”

Rhys Rowlands, Director of Service at Fettes College, said:

“The students of Fettes College will all play their part in carrying a 100 kg log for 24 hours. Throughout the 24 hours eight rotating students will share the weight of the log and there will be a changeover every fifteen minutes. Senior students will keep the log moving between 9pm and 7am. The “dark hours” are seen as the toughest period of this challenge. Resilience, self-motivation and teamwork will be on display throughout. This is our third 24 hour endurance event in support of SuperTroop, and we are very proud of the grit and determination of our students and know that they will all ‘dig deep’ to complete this gruelling task. A number of the students who will be carrying the log on 4th and 5th March will also volunteer during the SuperTroop holiday at Fettes, in July 2023.”

 Sue Fletcher, Holiday Director at SuperTroop, commented:

 “The children and young people who attend SuperTroop holidays have really complex needs. Many have never stayed even one night away from home before.  We want to make sure every young person has a chance to spread their wings and have a really incredible holiday, while their parents can relax knowing their child is safe and happy. Funds raised as a result of this incredible physical and mental challenge will be spent giving holiday-makers a week to remember in summer 2023 – and if we raise enough, we want to think about expanding our scheme.  More holidays for more deserving holiday-makers! SuperTroop just wouldn’t be possible without the support we have from Fettes: fundraising on our behalf, hosting our holiday on site, and most of all volunteering on the holiday itself. Their energy and enthusiasm, care and compassion are essential to our scheme.”

The public can support this great event through Just Giving: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/mr-rowlands-24hr-logcarry

Categories: Fettes College School News