The BSA Foundation was launched in 2023 as part of the philanthropic commitment of the BSA Group to support educational practice in the UK and internationally. It is an independent charity which is being funded initially by the BSA Group.
Improving the lives of children and young people in residential educational settings by the funding of research
Our core objectives are:
- To support the advancement of education through the development of, amongst others, approaches to inclusion, safeguarding, community engagement and wellbeing, particularly in residential (boarding) settings for children and young people.
- We aim to do this by providing grants to practitioners, researchers and beneficiaries of residential education in the UK and internationally.
The Founding Trustees are:
- Dr Helen Wright, International Executive Search Consultant and Leadership Coach and former BSA Head
- Mrs Wendy Griffiths, Chair, ISEB and Former BSA Head
- Mr Martin Reader, Former Head of Cranleigh School
- Mr Matthew Robinson, Deputy Director (Pastoral), Rougemont School
- Mr Andrew Nott, Former Chair, IAPS and Former BSA Head
Apply for a BSA Foundation Grant
The Charity Trustees usually make grants of between £500 and £5,000.
Possible areas of research may include but are not limited to:
- Improving and enhancing anti-racism, diversity, equality and inclusion education
- Sexual consent education
- The provision of mentoring, training and other assistance
- Mental health in residential educational settings
- The benefits of the provision of physical, educational, mental health and activities.
Deadline for submissions: Wednesday November 6, 2024
BSA Foundation Grant Application Form