Royal Hospital School awarded the first Gold Historical Association Quality Mark in Suffolk

Posted: 23rd November 2023

Royal Hospital School (RHS) in Holbrook, Ipswich, are delighted to announce that its History and Politics Department has been awarded the Gold Historical Association Quality Mark, becoming only the third secondary school in East Anglia to achieve the Gold Quality Mark and the first in Suffolk.

The award follows a rigorous assessment process, during which the school compiled a portfolio of evidence against extensive criteria. The process took a year to complete, and the department had to demonstrate a number of things including how the curriculum is constructed, how students are supported and provided with effective feedback, and how the team is led. The process culminated with a visit from Robin Whitburn, Lecturer in History Education at University College London, in September, where he observed lessons and met with a group of students.

In his report, the assessor Robin, commented: “There has been a rapid improvement in the overall direction of the history department over the past two years, leading to better academic outcomes and a higher status of history across the school.”

Oliver Roe, Head of History and Politics at RHS, said:We’re very proud that that our efforts to improve history at RHS have been recognised by such a prestigious organisation as the Historical Association. The process of achieving this award and becoming a Quality Mark department is a testament to the excellent History provision provided by the whole department. We would like to thank all History pupils at RHS for their ongoing hard work and engagement in the subject, this award certainly could not have been achieved without their engagement, and belongs to them.”

Emi Sharples, a year 13 pupil at RHS commented: “I particularly enjoyed delving into historiography at the beginning of Year 13 and the various differing of interpretations of what history is – it has allowed me to widen my historical judgements as well as suggest what purpose history serves in our world.”

Thomas Gower, a year 12 pupil at RHS also added: “The history department at RHS are always very supportive and encouraging. It’s great to learn such an interesting subject under the guidance of expert teachers, who always go the extra mile.”

The Royal Hospital School will hold the Quality Mark for the next three years.

Categories: Royal Hospital School School News