New arrivals at Keswick School

Posted: 11th September 2023

As well as welcoming 10 new boarders to Lairthwaite Boarding House this September, we are very excited to share news about our other new arrivals. Freyja, our new Golden Retriever puppy arrived on Sunday and has settled in very well, with expert guidance from our 9 year old retriever, Venus.  Both dogs play an integral part in the boarding house, the boarders enjoy taking them for a walk and they are always available for any boarder who needs a little reassurance or is a bit homesick. Venus also acts as a reading dog for students in our learning support department.  We have also been very busy over the summer, building a chicken coup in the boarding house grounds and very early on Wednesday morning we received 6 new point of lay hens.  There is great excitement regarding looking after the hens and of course, collecting and eating the fresh eggs.  The house has a wonderful buzz with so many new arrivals and lots to look forward to!

Categories: Keswick School