Kent College Pembury celebrates an excellent inspection report

Posted: 11th September 2023

Kent College Pembury welcomed the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) to the school in June for a full Educational Quality and Compliance Inspection. The report shows the school to be ‘excellent’ in both Academic Achievement and Personal Development, as well as being fully compliant with the Independent Schools Standards, including the National Minimum Standards for Boarding and the Early Years Foundation Stage.


This is an incredible achievement for the school and the highest possible grading available. Key highlights from the report show:


  • Pupils at Kent College make rapid progress in their learning and consequently achieve highly in public examinations.
  • Pupils are exceptionally creative and perform well in artistic and aesthetic subjects.
  • They are eloquent communicators, able to readily articulate sophisticated viewpoints and that they have advanced study skills and thinking skills.
  • Pupils have exceptionally positive attitudes towards learning and that they live out the Wesleyan philosophy of doing all the good you can.
  • Pupils are highly confident and well prepared for the next stage of their lives.


Head, Miss Katrina Handford said:


“I am so proud to lead such a fantastic school. Over the course of the inspection, every student, member of staff and parent who contributed was a credit to Kent College.  The pupils, in particular, were keen to speak to the inspectors and did so with such confidence, maturity and positivity.  I was humbled by their drive to showcase the school to the inspectors and demonstrate how much they enjoy living, learning and developing here.”


The ISI inspection report can be read here.


Kent College is running events for families through the Autumn including a Forest Fun Open Day for children 3-11 years, an Open Morning for the Senior School and a Sixth Form Information Evening. Further details can be found on the website or by contacting

Categories: Kent College