Kent College, Canterbury judged ‘Excellent’ in all aspects.

Posted: 21st February 2023

At the recent inspection conducted by the Independent Schools Inspectorate both the KC Junior school at Harbledown and the Senior school in Canterbury were judged as excellent in all aspects, the highest grade possible.

At the recent inspection conducted by the Independent Schools Inspectorate both the KC Junior school at Harbledown and the Senior school in Canterbury were judged as excellent in all aspects, the highest grade possible.

The inspection, which took place over an entire week, collates evidence from pupil and staff interviews, pupils’ work, lesson observations and a parental survey.

Head of Kent College, Mark Turnbull said,

“We are incredibly pleased to have received the endorsement of excellent across the board. I want to thank all the staff who work so hard throughout the academic year to achieve these outcomes for the pupils. The evidence base was extensive, and thank you to all parents and guardians who found time to respond to the questionnaire at the time. This report provides a foundation for future ambition and success.’

The College is particularly proud that the comments and feedback within the ISI reports align with the school’s vision for education; Education that is focused upon the needs of each individual, developing inquiring and knowledgeable people who understand how to lead happy and fulfilling lives, with the skills to play active roles in an inclusive and sustainable future.’

In the Senior school the ISI commented that:

‘Pupils’ highly positive attitudes to learning are evident from their excellent levels of engagement in lessons where they work with focus and determination, both individually and collaboratively.’

‘The high levels of attainment are a consequence of positive attitudes to learning, supported by highly engaging teaching. Overall, results show that pupils achieve above the

national average for maintained schools.’

‘Pupils are open-minded and inclusive, valuing the diversity within the school community.’

‘Excellent relationships exist between pupils and teachers, and pupils comment that this is characteristic of the school. Pupils demonstrate high levels of realistic self-awareness and, as they move through the school, an increasingly high level of resilience and self-confidence.’

Whilst in the Junior school the ISI made similar observations:

‘Throughout the school, pupils make a tangible effort to contribute positively to the lives of others….pupils have excellent social awareness, show empathy and are willing to offer help and support to others.’

‘Pupils’ attainment is well above the national expectations.’

‘High level outcomes are a result of the high quality interactions between pupils and teachers which project high expectations and encourage all pupils to participate.’

The full inspection reports are available to view and download on the Kent College website

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Categories: Kent College School News