LVS Ascot Pupils achieve 100% pass rate in English, Maths and Triple Science

Posted: 26th August 2022

Pupils at Independent day and boarding school LVS Ascot, where pupils are given the support and opportunity to exceed expectations, are celebrating a fantastic set of GCSE exam results. An incredible 100% pass rate was achieved in English, Maths and Triple Science with an overall pass rate of 92%.

Despite the challenges of the pandemic, the LVS Ascot 2022 GCSE cohort have achieved a higher overall pass rate than the 2020 tag grades, highlights include 100% BTEC pass rate and 36.74% grades 9-7.

Angelina, who achieved all 7s and above said “It was so nice to come into school to collect my results and share the moment with my teachers and classmates. I was thrilled with my results and I’m looking forward to starting sixth form at LVS Ascot.”

Archie, from Windsor said “I worked so hard to make sure I did all the right preparation and I’m so happy that this paid off with my results. I wish everyone the best in their next steps.”

School Principal, Christine Cunniffe said “We are delighted with the GCSE results this year, it is a testament to the brilliant work of our staff and pupils at LVS Ascot”.

Categories: LVS Ascot School News