Sponsored: Schools Allergy Register goes live

Posted: 21st May 2024

The Schools Allergy Register is LIVE


I am pleased to announce that the names of the first schools in the process of joining the Schools Allergy Register are now listed on our website.


View the Register


There are 27 schools on the Register, each with their assessment “in progress”. This means they are benefitting from one-to-one mentoring calls with The Allergy Team, our CPD-accredited online allergy and anaphylaxis training for all staff and ongoing support from our online Q&A series and drop-in sessions.


Once they have been assessed as meeting the criteria for best-practice laid out in the DfE-backed Schools Allergy Code they will also receive our trust mark.


In a survey of parents of children with allergies earlier this year, 84% respondents said they would have greater confidence in a school if it was on the Schools Allergy Register. 73% said it would impact their decision to apply for a school.


“The most important thing for us is knowing that our children are safe in school. A school that follows the Allergy Code and has been assessed by the Allergy Team would signal to us that they are following best practice and would keep our children safe and included.” (Respondent to Allergies in School Parent Survey 2024)


If you would like to know more about the Schools Allergy Register either:


– Visit us at Stand 36 at the ISBA annual conference this week

– Book a call with us

Visit our website and watch the video


With best wishes,



Categories: BSA News