Sponsored: Support for pupils starting Secondary School with allergies

Posted: 17th May 2024

The Allergy Team is holding its first ever event to support young people with allergies with the transition to secondary school and I wondered if you might be able to share the details with any of your families who might benefit.


When we support schools with managing allergies one of the things we discuss is how to ease the transition for pupils who are about to move up to senior school.


At this stage pupils will be expected to take more responsibility for their allergy medication and are likely to face new challenges in the dining hall or out socialising with friends.


To support families we are holding an in-person workshop for pupils in Years 5-7 and their parents or carers. I would be grateful if you could share this information with any families currently at your school who you think might be interested in attending. If you are a secondary or senior school and you know you have pupils with allergies joining in September, please feel free to share this information with them too.


Starting secondary school workshop

We are really excited that the brilliant Nurse Consultant James Gardner will be hosting this two hour session for young people on 7th June 2024 in London. James lives with a food allergy himself and has worked with hundreds of families so he’s got lots of invaluable advice to share.

During the two hour session James will talk to the group of young people about managing their allergies at secondary school. Pupils are often expected to take greater responsibility for things like their medication and food choices from Year 7, so James will discuss that, as well as things like managing peer pressure, reducing risk and socialising.
At the same time, The Allergy Team will host a session for parents and carers. Please come with any questions you have and we’ll also discuss how to support your child, liaise with the school and address any challenges which arise.


When is it?

7th June 2024, 5-7pm


Where is it?

We’re holding this event in Spitalfields, London. It’s very close to Liverpool Street station. We appreciate that this location may not suit all our schools but we wanted to give everyone the opportunity to attend if they can make it.


What does it cost?

£65 (includes one adult and one child)


If attendees are Family Members of The Allergy Team, the cost is £45  – please use this link to purchase your discounted ticket.


Thank you for sharing this with your families.


Best wishes



Categories: BSA News