Hundreds of students at more than 120 boarding schools from across the UK took part in National Boarding Week 2023 last month, organised by the Boarding Schools’ Association (BSA).
The ninth National Boarding Week since launch in 2015 was held between June 19-25. It aimed to bring awareness to the unique experience boarding has to offer and showcase the positive and lasting impact it can have on students’ lives.
More than 120 schools participated by sharing their celebrations across social media using the hashtags #NationalBoardingWeek and #iloveboarding.
Activities included a 2k relay race, a bake-off, community tasks, a summer solstice camp out, boarding house karaoke competition, a board game and pizza night, and a house walk. Many other schools chose their own activities and the week showcased fun, friendship and togetherness in spades.
Challenges and activities this year were designed with inclusivity in mind, ensuring something for everyone, no matter their talents, skills or interests, to get involved with.
Commenting on this year’s programme, BSA CEO Robin Fletcher said: “National Boarding Week invites participation across the boarding community. It’s an opportunity for schools to connect with local communities, take part in fun house activities, and reinforce the value of boarding education in shaping well-rounded individuals.
“This year’s National Boarding Week was clearly a great success and it was fantastic to see so many schools and students right across the UK take part.”
BSA now looks ahead to the autumn for its next celebration – International Boarding Day on Saturday October 7. Watch this space!
To find out more about National Boarding Week, and other BSA engagement initiatives, please visit