Dorset House School

Head: Mr Richard Brown
Telephone: 01798 831456
School Address: The Manor Church Lane Bury, Pulborough West Sussex RH20 1PB

Number in School: 140
Number of Boarders: 28
Boarding Type: Flexi Boarding School Type: Co-Ed

Head of Boarding: Mr Jason Marconi
Head of Boarding Email:
Head of Boarding Contact Number: 01798 831456

Dorset House School in West Sussex; one of the oldest prep schools in the country, founded in 1784.

After various incarnations the school moved to its present site in 1964; it can be found next to the church in the quiet village of Bury, on a 16 acre site by the River Arun in the South Downs National Park. At the heart of Dorset House lies Bury’s 12th century Manor House, but the school also boasts modern teaching blocks, a 16th century barn and other facilities which include an amphitheatre, swimming pool, playing fields and an Astroturf.

Dorset House is both a traditional and a forward-looking school. We are very proud to be one of the few small prep schools in the country — less than 150 pupils, 4-13, one form entry, co-educational, day and boarding. I feel that the benefit of this type of school is that it allows inclusivity and opportunity for all the children as well as fostering a balanced partnership between staff and parents. I also feel that Dorset House provides an antidote to a world where children grow up too quickly.

It is a nurturing school which, as the Good Schools Guide highlighted, produces ‘open and chatty children where everyone knows everyone and where each child is able to find their niche.’ We offer excellent quality of teaching and learning and as our recent ISI report stated, ‘the school is highly successful in meeting its aim to inspire children through a challenging approach to academic learning. Pupils consistently gain their first choice place in competitive entry to senior independent schools and each year a considerable number are awarded academic, music and sporting scholarships.’

Reception 2337 Day fees only. Please enquire for boarding rates.
Year 1 and 2 2645 Day fees only. Please enquire for boarding rates.
Year 3 4112 Day fees only. Please enquire for boarding rates.
Year 4 4425 Day fees only. Please enquire for boarding rates.
Year 5 4695 Day fees only. Please enquire for boarding rates.
Year 6 4885 Day fees only. Please enquire for boarding rates.