Christ’s Hospital

Head: Simon Reid
Telephone: 01403 211293
School Address: Christ's Hospital Horsham West Sussex United Kingdom RH13 0LJ


Number in School: 905
Number of Boarders: 840
Boarding Type: Day Boarding, Full Boarding
School Type: Co-Ed

Head of Boarding: Mr Dayle Kirby
Head of Boarding Email:
Head of Boarding Contact Number: 01403 246633

Christ’s Hospital is boarding and day school of 900 pupils with an equal mix of boys and girls. The School is located in West Sussex in the south east of England. It is situated in countryside between London and Brighton, 20 miles south of London Gatwick.


Christ’s Hospital is a remarkable school, it is the most diverse independent school in the UK and provides more support to its pupils than any other school in the sector. Through first-class education and exceptional pastoral support, Christ’s Hospital provides each pupil with stability and the opportunity to thrive and fulfil their potential. Most pupils (98%) of pupils go on to university and leavers take with them the confidence and resilience they will need to achieve success at university and beyond and to make a meaningful contribution to society.


School fees are paid on a means-tested basis, with substantial subsidies paid by the School, so that pupils from all backgrounds can have a high quality, boarding school education that would otherwise be beyond their means.


“Whilst at other schools, fee assistance schemes have come and gone, at Christ’s Hospital we have stayed true to our charitable mission since the School was founded in 1552: educating the financially, socially and otherwise disadvantaged for free, or at a reduced rate. Today our bursary pupils study happily alongside our full fee payers and the School’s pupil profile is one of which our royal founder, Edward VI, would have been proud.”