West Hill Park School

Head: Mr Alastair Ramsay
Telephone: 01329 842356
Email: admissions@westhillpark.com
Web: http://www.westhillpark.com

Number in School: 278
Number of Boarders: 40
Boarding Type: Flexi Boarding, Full Boarding
School Type: Boys

Head of Boarding: Mr John Boddington
Head of Boarding Email: boarding@westhillpark.com
Head of Boarding Contact Number: 01329 842356

At West Hill Park School, your child will be welcomed into a happy, supportive community in which everyone is valued and where we encourage everyone to show respect and care for one another. Excellent academic performance is central to the school’s ethos. However we are careful not to measure children by academic achievement alone and place real value on the breadth of experience they gain. Effort, enthusiasm and conduct are highly esteemed and the resulting growth in confidence is the key to unlocking other accomplishments.

Up to Year 5 our classes are currently taught in mixed ability groups with differentiation to at least three levels. From Year 6 pupils are streamed and set for Maths, English and Science. In this way each child’s individual strengths and weaknesses are catered for both academically and socially. Art, Design and Technology, ICT, Music, Dance and Drama all stimulate creativity and imagination.

Boarding (judged by Ofsted to be ‘outstanding’) has to be appealing to children and here boarding is very much based on feeling happy and safe, and having a lot of fun. There is firm but fair routine, time set aside for study, music practice and quiet relaxation as well as regular fun nights and special weekend activities. We offer full, weekly, flexible or a one night boarding experience to suit your family. Extensive games and athletics fields, an astro hockey surface, heated indoor swimming pool, netball and tennis courts all provide the necessary facilities to allow us to compete at a high level with independent schools locally and also at county and national levels.

Breadth and diversity are crucial to the philosophy of West Hill Park. We encourage children to take every opportunity life brings and to appreciate the world around them. The extensive activities programme epitomises the school’s attitude that children are capable of anything, if only we let them try.’ As children progress through the school, they are encouraged to take more responsibility for their learning, and their contribution to school life. They grow to understand their importance in the community, both through instruction and example. This provides them with a strong platform, from which they can confidently move into their senior school as independent, self-reliant individuals.