Michaelhouse, South Africa

Head: Mr Paul Fleischack
Telephone: +27 33 234 1000
Email: paufle@michaelhouse.org
Web: https://www.michaelhouse.org/
School Address: Michaelhouse, Private Bag X1, Balgowan, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3275

Number in School: 560
Number of Boarders: 560
Boarding Age: 13-18
Boarding Type: Termly
School Type: Boys

Head of Boarding: Mr Allan Laing
Head of Boarding Email: alllai@michaelhouse.org
Head of Boarding Contact Number: +27 33 234 1125

Michaelhouse, the Anglican Diocesan College of Natal, was founded in 1896 and is a South African boarding school for senior boys with an international reputation.
Situated on a secure estate in the beautiful Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal, the school has a fully residential staff which facilitates a high level of pastoral care and interaction with the pupils. The distinctive architecture of the inter-linked quadrangles inspires a tremendous sense of belonging amongst the 560 boys.

Michaelhouse is a school of established heritage with an innate respect for the individual. It is this long held tradition that distinguishes Michaelhouse from other senior boys’ schools. We believe that going to senior school is as much about finding one’s niche in life as having the freedom and encouragement to explore it and to become the best one can be.